§ 19-34. Intent, purpose and procedures of local planning agency.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency and assume the duties of such agency as set forth in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act and such other or additional duties as the city council may from time to time direct or as may be imposed upon the agency under either the present act or future modifications or amendments thereto. The aforesaid planning and zoning board shall prepare the plan for the city and shall make recommendations on such city plan to the city council which shall then have the prerogative of adopting such plan and all elements or portions thereof, and making such amendments, modifications, or changes to the comprehensive city plan as recommended by the planning and zoning board as the city council would deem appropriate.


    The proper city officials are hereby directed to officially inform the division of state planning and the South Florida Regional Planning Agency of the designation of the newly created planning and zoning board as the local planning agency for the city as that title of local planning agency is defined under the state act.


    The planning and zoning board as set out herein shall choose from its ranks any officers and shall set its rules of procedures and its meeting dates. All meetings of this agency shall be public meetings and its records shall be public records.


    The city shall provide suitable accommodations for such meetings at the city hall and shall otherwise provide secretarial help and transcription machines to assist in the preparation of and keeping of minutes of these meetings. The city board shall be funded by the city council as a budgetary item in the adoption of the city's budget and shall adopt a fee charge, subject to approval by the city council as to amount, for all copies of minutes, reviews, regulations, criteria or other data complied by the city board.

(Code 1964, § 18½-2; Ord. No. 1959, § 1, 9-22-93; Ord. No. 2222, § 1, 5-31-2000)