§ 19-51. The comprehensive plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The city plan shall consist of materials in such descriptive form, written or graphic, as may be appropriate to the prescription of principles, guidelines and standards for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of the plan area.


    The several elements of the city plan shall be consistent and the coordination of the several elements of the plan shall be a major objective of the planning process.


    The city plan shall be economically feasible. The economic assumptions upon which the plan is based and any amendments thereto shall be analyzed and shall be set out as a part of the plan. Those elements of the city plan that require the expenditure of public funds for capital improvements shall carry fiscal proposals relating thereto, including, but not limited to, the estimated costs, the priority ranking relative to other proposed capital expenditures, and the proposed funding sources and methods of repayment of same if such funding sources entail borrowing of funds.


    Coordination of the city plan with the comprehensive plans of adjacent cities and of the county shall be a major objective of the comprehensive planning process as provided herein. In the comprehensive plan or element as adopted, the city council shall include a specific policy statement indicating the relationship of the proposed development to the city's study area, to the comprehensive plans of adjacent cities and of the county as such adopted plans or plans and preparation may exist.


    The city plan and its elements shall contain policy recommendations for the implementation of the plan and its elements upon adoption.

(Code 1964, § 18½-6(a)—(e))