§ 19-52. Future land use element.  

Latest version.
  • The city plan shall include a future land use plan element to be adopted by the county commission under the prerogatives given such commission under the county charter. If the power shall be abrogated or ruled no longer effective by either a referendum vote of the people of the county or a court of competent jurisdiction or should the county commission fail to adopt such future land use element within the time specified by the state act, then the planning and zoning board shall recommend, advise and promulgate a future land use plan element and the city council shall adopt a future land use plan element as part of its city plan. The future land use plan element shall designate proposed future general distribution location and extent of the use of land for housing, business, industry, agriculture, recreation, conservation, education, public buildings, and grounds, and other public facilities and other categories of the public and private uses of land. The future land use plan shall include a statement of the standards to be followed in the control and distribution of population, densities, and building and structure intensity as recommended for the various portions of the study area. The future land use plan may designate areas for future plan development use involving combinations of types of uses for which special regulations may be necessary to insure development in accord with the principles and standards of the state act.

(Code 1964, § 18½-6(f); Ord. No. 2222, § 1, 5-31-2000)