§ 19-64. Reviews and amendments of city plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The planning program shall be a continuing and ongoing process. All amendments to the city plan shall be in accordance with this article and the provisions governing amendments as set forth in the state act. The planning and zoning board shall prepare periodic reports on the city plan to be sent to the city council at least once every five (5) years after the adoption of the city plan and the city council may request reports to be transmitted at lesser intervals by simple direction to the chairman of the city board. These periodic reports shall represent an assessment and an evaluation of the success or the failure of the city plan or element or portions thereof, and shall contain appropriate statements using words, maps, illustrations or other forms related to:


    The major problems of development, physical deterioration, in the location of land uses and the social and economic effects of such uses in the area.


    The conditions of each element in the city plan at the time of adoption and at the date of the report.


    The city plan objectives as compared with actual results at the date of the report.


    The extent to which unanticipated and unforeseen problems and opportunities occurred between the date of adoption and the date of report.


    The reports provided for herein may also suggest changes or amendments in the city plan or elements or portions thereof including reformulated objectives, policies and standards.


    The comprehensive plan or any element thereof including the land use master plan or land use master plan map may be amended from time to time by the city council upon request of a property owner or on council initiative.

    No proposed land use amendment on a parcel of land which failed to pass city council on either first or second reading of an ordinance pertaining thereunto (on all or any portion of a parcel on which such denial was voted by the council) may be submitted for reconsideration by the planning and zoning board and the city council until at least one (1) year from the date of last consideration by the city council or the planning and zoning board, whichever occurred last.

(Code 1964, § 18½-7; Ord. No. 1528, § 1, 1-13-88; Ord. No. 1959, § 3, 9-22-93; Ord. No. 2222, § 1, 5-31-2000)

State law reference

Similar provisions, F.S. § 163.3191.