§ 19-65. Legal status of city plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    After the city plan or any element or portion thereof has been adopted in conformity with law, all development undertaken by and all actions taken in regard to development orders or permits including development orders of regional impact (DRIS) on land covered by such an or any element thereof shall be consistent with such plan or element as adopted. All land development regulations enacted or amended shall also be consistent with the adopted city plan or element or portion thereof.


    After the adoption of the city plan or element or portion thereof by the city council, no land development order or land development regulation or land development code or amendment thereto shall be adopted by the city council until such order, regulation, code or amendment has been referred to the city board for review and recommendation. As to the relationship of such proposal to the adopted city plan or element or portion thereof, said recommendations shall be made within a reasonable time but not later than two (2) months of the time of reference. If a recommendation is not made within this time provided, the city council may act upon the adoption of the order, regulation, code or amendment notwithstanding the omission of a recommendation from the city's local planning agency, the city board.

(Code 1964, § 18½-8)

State law reference

Similar provisions, F.S. § 163.3194.